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What is or Tsū?The best guide to win money

What is or Tsū;

The main Idea about Tsū is that the content that goes to social medias belongs to the users so it’s good to get be paid for it.

And it is wrong to think that the content (photos, videos, texts, etc.) that goes daily to FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram is content generated by users who do not earn anything unlike sites that earn billions

So what did they do? They made the! A social network characterized by three things:

1. To enroll must be in writing another member sending your invitation or link his profile

2. It shares 90% of the advertising profits with members so everything you post them on a network generates profit for you depending on the impact it has.

3. You take and you are a small percentage of the profits of users who have written to your team(5 levels down).

The positive of or Tsū

a. It is still too fresh means that it is a great opportunity to get one of the first and to earn money and to help establish a social network that respects its users.

b. If fresh and has started very strongly with over 10,000 visitors a day and increases by at least 2,000 people a day are trafficking.

c. Because it is a new site as is reasonable has many good freely usernames /-keywords which can be exploited.

d. To register and get involved with this site is totally free. It is still at the beginning and profits since I talked to people who have written some days earlier are small at present ($ 1- $ 2 a day). If the site get publicity that many believe they can get the profits will be much larger. Anyway it is a train that we have the opportunity to board from the first station.

How to begin with or Tsū;

It's very simple!

1. Subscribe via link (it is compulsory to register through another)

2. Select a word from the list below for username (do not have to be from the list below if you want you can put your own username or your own keyword)

3. Distribute your link to your friends on FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, etc. and tell them about

4. Begin to make friends in (the friends that I have already a good start to make friends and make you and them) until they are yours friends, when you have 10-15 friends continue make friends and start uploading content (photos, videos,posts)

Just remember that you can have up to 50 Friend requests actively and use hashtags in your posts to other users may be looking for it.

How much can I earn?

How much can you earn purely depends on the popularity of your posts and how many views they have, how many likes and how many shares. To that exact amount calculated is unknown but judging by the statistics of the "old" and I saw the daily rise of site with some good posts will comes a good paycheck.

Click therefore in Subscribe and get it really something such websites time is money and the sooner you enter, the better.

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